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For each of these three secular philosophical positions, the project of a history of science revealed a basic paradox.

The cross-covariance revealed several features of the variability that reinforced other observations.

Thus, our analysis revealed evidence of the partial activation of most regions of the social brain network from at least 3 months.

Fine structure of parvocellular receptive fields in the primate fovea revealed by laser interferometry.

On closer viewing, the individual boards and the grain of the timber are revealed as traces of construction.

But such techniques don't promise to reveal the symbolic utility of the action.

The findings reveal that the theoretical model has been supported to a substantial extent, although not all hypotheses were confirmed by the data.

Therefore, the results do not reveal anything about the absolute or relative frequency of the themes that are checked off.

Looking at four teachers and eighteen students, the results revealed a number of complex and interconnected themes which both aided and hindered learning.

Trophic diversity is assessed by assigning taxa to trophic habits, thereby revealing the appearance of new components of ecosystem structure over time.

This study reveals perceptual misbinding of color, thereby revealing separate neural representations of color and form followed by a subsequent binding process.

Immunoblot analysis has revealed striking specificity of antigen components in the 3 sandfly species studied.

A literature search revealed no similar studies assessing the effectiveness of bereavement camps.

Beyond these remarks, it is revealing that the political discourse on impunity does not directly address its structural causes, but rather addresses the president personally.

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