THƯ GIÃN - nghĩa trong tiếng Tiếng Anh

  • 8,000
  • Tác giả: admin
  • Ngày đăng:
  • Lượt xem: 8
  • Tình trạng: Còn hàng

The interior has a typical side hall plan, with a front parlor, behind which are a sitting room and kitchen.

The bourgeoisie had transposed the wares of the shop window to the sitting room, where the clutter of display signalled bourgeois success.

It includes a sitting room, bar and restaurant with rooms upstairs.

In the living room, a wall between the sitting room was removed which created a large, open space to which a vaulted ceiling was added.

The sitting room is across the hall on the left and measures 18 by 18 feet.

You mean you hang out with the boys?

It's also a good chance to hang out with your friends and have fun together.

Lucifer's fun to hang out with for a while, but you get tired of all that hocus-pocus stuff.

I get to hang out with my son -- and do what he wants to do.

Many spoke of the benefit of always having someone to hang out with.